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Moms rally around Roseville family after mother suffers stroke

ROSEVILLE, Minn. — When a sudden stroke changed a Roseville family’s life, Minnesota moms came to the rescue. 
A typical Tuesday at work quickly turned tragic for Nancy Her.
“She was with a patient and was complaining of head pain — that’s when she collapsed,” said her sister Audrey Yang.
Yang says her sister was rushed to the hospital where doctors say she suffered a stroke from a blood clot in the brain. She’s since had two major surgeries as doctors wait for brain swelling to go down.
Family members were all shocked by the sudden stroke, saying they were all together the week prior celebrating a birthday and Nancy Her was perfectly fine.
“We all miss our mom, it’s just hard without her,” said daughter Ruth Her.
Saturday, all four girls visited their mom in the hospital, including 8-month-old Samantha Her, who relies on her mother for nourishment because she’s allergic to many formulas.
“She only will take breastmilk,” said Yang. “We are in a dilemma because we do not have any breast milk.”
Yang turned to Facebook asking for help, a post that was shared more than 300 times.
“I was overwhelmed, and I still have messages I haven’t been able to respond to,” she said.
Within 24 hours, her freezer was stocked from women all over the Twin Cities — many of whom don’t even know her sister.
“They’re moms themselves. They know how hard it would be for them not to have their child provided for — and that’s why a lot of them came forward to help any way they could,” Yang said.
Community support from strangers helped the family focus on the medical fight ahead instead of breast milk for the baby.
The Her family says the milk supply will last for two months. But depending on Nancy Her’s condition — they may need to lean on their new support system again.
The family has started an online fundraiser to help with medical and living expenses.
